Located right on the Miramichi River, our shop offers a full lineup of bikes, skis, snowshoes, scooters and skateboards, along with all the accessories and clothing to keep those things in shape and look good while you're doing it. Whether you're trying something for the first time or you're a seasoned veteran, our knowledgeable and helpful staff will help you get the most out of your sport. We do bike fitting and repairs plus we stock lots of tires and parts if you prefer a DIY project.

Although our specialty is bicycles we have so much more to offer. We are an authorized Oakley dealer, anything Oakley has we can provide to you. We also have things like Asolo hiking boots, Osprey packs, Nathan running, RollerDerby gear, VivoBarefoot and the list goes on.    version 3.0        ||          || contact us || links